To Activate The Team, Or Speak With A Coordinator Call: 775.858.6011
( *REMSA DISPATCH will forward your info to the Sierra Nevada CISM Network Coordinator on call )

Sierra Nevada CISM Network —  24 / 7 Working Together To Fit The Pieces...

*Individual Peer Support and Critical Incident Stress Management was established to ensure first responders involved in work-related critical incidents are provided with available resources to treat the immediate effects of stress related incidents. The team provides support in a neutral comfortable setting, and provides follow up when necessary. Research has shown that early intervention after a critical incident or a traumatic event can lessen the effects of stress and trauma until more professional help can be accessed.

*Crisis Management Briefing ( CMB )
This process is a short informational meeting that is focused on relaying information about the incident and reactions after a large-scale emotional taxing incident. This can be conducted for any size group.

This process allows those involved to put together the pieces of the incident and talk about their reactions or thoughts. CISM Peers and/or Mental Health professionals provide information about normal stress reactions, available support services, and details of a possible follow-up debriefing. This is a group process, usually conducted with the first 24 - 48 hours following a critical incident and can be conducted for 3 to 40 people.

This process is designed to mitigate the impact of a critical incident. It is a structured intervention by specially trained peers and Menatal Health Professionals of the CISM Team that allows a group to meet and encourages those involved in a Critical Incident to openly discuss their thoughts and reactions in a safe, non-threatening environment. It also provides crisis management tools and resources. Ideally this takes place 24 - 72 hours after the Critical Incident and can be conducted for 3 to 40 people.

**Times can vary based on needs. All services and conversations are held strictly confidential unless there is a threat to harm self or others.


Sierra Nevada Critical Incident Stress Management Network (SNCISMN) was founded in 1993 to meet the needs of First Responders and Health Care Personnel involved in events that may tax their normal coping mechanisms — our purpose is to help reduce stress after critical incidents...

As an emergency service and/or health care provider, your training and experience is valuable to your unit and your community.

Our goal is to provide stress management tools to decrease the chance of post-event burnout and fatigue, so responders can continue to function and contribute to the health and safety of the community.

The SN CISM Network Team consist of volunteer professionals from a variety of public service agencies, including; Correctional Facilities, Dispatch, EMS, Fire, Hospitals, Law Enforcement, Mental Health professionals and Spousal Support to provide peer support and assistance to First Responders.

The Sierra Nevada CISM Network is a private, non-profit ( 501.c.3 ) organization as specified by IRS guidelines. The Sierra Nevada CISM Network team is endorsed by ICISF (International Critical Incident Stress Foundation) for individuals and teams to provide leadership, education, training, consultation, and support services to emergency response and health care professionals.

SN CISM Network is supported entirely by contributions, fundraising, its members and the people of the communities we serve. . "Click Here To Donate"                               

Sierra Nevada CISM Network  "...working together to fit the pieces."

The goal is to provide support to emergency workers after a period of intense involvement at a critical incident. Crisis Management Briefings and Defusings are short informal intercessions that are conducted within the first few days following the incident. Debriefings follow 7 specific steps. Introduction, Fact phase, Reaction, Thoughts Signs and Symptoms, Crisis Management tools and resources and Re-entry.

To Activate The Team, Speak With A Coordinator, Or Request Further Information Call:

(*REMSA DISPATCH will forward your info to the SN CISM Network Coordinator on call )


CISM / Peer-to-Peer FAQ's

TO ACTIVATE THE TEAM, OR SPEAK WITH A COORDINATOR, CALL: 775.858.6011 (*REMSA DISPATCH will forward your info to the SN CISM Net Coordinator on call )

Individual Peer-to-Peer Support is available to ensure first responders involved in work-related critical incidents are provided with mediation and available resources to treat the immediate effects of a traumatic incident and support in a neutral or comfortable setting and provide follow up when necessary.

CISM CMB, Defusings and Debriefings are conducted for 3 - 40 people at one session, in a group setting to discuss reactions, thoughts or feelings related to the incident. The goal is to provide education on stress signs, symptoms and stress related coping skills. The team also provides resources to individual follow-up if requested. Services provided by the team are oriented towards stress management, crisis intercession and education.


Fatigue / exhaustion





Mood changes / swings


Excessive sleep

Poor memory





Over protection

Memory impairment

Tunnel vision


Loss of appetite

Digestive problems

Hyper arousal




Aggressive behavior

Negative feelings


Fear / Terror

Loss of pleasure



Impaired Concentration

Impaired Decision making

Tunnel vision


Get support from others

Eat nutritional meals

Excercise 3-5 times a week for at
 least 20 minutes

Get as much rest or sleep each day
 as possible

Cut back on your intake of caffeine,
 sugar and alcohol

Find a new hobby or pick one you
 use to do

Start a journal

Do something you enjoy

Practice deep breathing

Create space in your day for quality
 time with your family and friends

Take time, each day, for some form
 of relaxation

Clearly establish priorities in your life

Keep a regular schedule of your
 normal activities

Laugh and keep your sense of humor

Understand your feeling are normal

Be kind to yourself

Seek help if signs and symptoms

Critical Incident Stress is a common reactions by normal people to an abnormal situation that may tax their coping skills...

Sierra Nevada Critical Incident Stress Management Network (SNCISMNet) was founded in 1990 to meet the needs of First Responders and Health Care Workers of Northern Nevada and the surrounding areas during and after incidents which may tax their normal coping mechanisms.

The SN CISM Network offers education regarding what First Responders and Health Care Workers may experience following an incident, as well as provide some of the tools you can do to help relieve the stress.

Contact Us

**To Activate The Team Or Request Information Call: 775.858.6011**
(*REMSA DISPATCH will forward your info to the SN CISM Network Coordinator on call )